Americans Think Congress Is Listening To Lobbyists And Not Regular People

NPR has an interesting new poll out today. They ask Americans who they think Congress is paying most attention to during this health care reform effort. By a wide margin 71% of Americans think members of Congress are paying too little attention to people like themselves.

On the flip side only 35% of Americans think Congress is paying too little attention health care interest groups, while 31% think Congress is paying too much attention to those groups.

This poll should be a wake up call the Democrats in Congress. The vast majority of Americans don't they are being listened to in this health care debate. It would be hard to argue that the American people wrong about who they think has ears of the members of Congress. The fact that the extremely popular idea of a public option is not guaranteed to be part of reform is a prefect example of this disconnect. If Democrats pass a bill that regular people think was write for and by health industry lobbyists it could spell trouble in the 2010 elections.

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