FL Poll: Charlie Crist Continues to Fall Behind Marco Rubio

Florida Governor Charlie Crist continues to slip further behind Marco Rubio in the upcoming Republican Senate primary. Rubio now leads Crist 57% to 28% among likely Republican primary voters, according to Rasmussen. This is a six-point drop from last time Rasmussen polled the race.

Rubio's strong and growing support in the polls is just the latest indication pointing to the strong likelihood he will win the August primary. Rubio has had very good fund raising numbers, claiming to have raised $3.6 million during the first three months of 2010. While over the same period, Crist has managed to raise only $1.1 million.

With these strong poll numbers and a serious fund raising advantage, it is almost impossible to imagine a political known quantity like Gov. Crist being able to catch Rubio, barring a serious stumble from his opponent. Crist would probably stand a better chance running as an independent, but he has been trying to make it clear he plans to run for the Republican nomination. If so, it now looks like the general election race will be a head-to-heat contest between Republican Marco Rubio and Democrat Kendrick Meek.

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